Come hear from Democratic Presidential campaign spokespersons and supporters advocating for their candidates at our last meeting before Missouri’s March 10th Presidential Primary.
Candidate spokespersons (subject to change, additional spokespersons welcome):
V.P., Joe Biden: (spokesperson needed)
Mayor, Micheal Bloomberg: campaign staffer
Mayor, Pete Buttigieg: Emily Denlinger
Sen. Amy Klobuchar: Fonda Davis
Sen. Bernie Sanders: Janet Smith and/or Zac Dunn
Tom Steyer: (spokesperson needed)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Kendra Eads
Campaigns and supporters wishing to present their candidate’s case should contact us at 573-275-1682
Other business: review and approve club by-laws; take club officer nominations and conduct officer elections.
Free & open to the public. Refreshments served.
Afterwards continue the conversation at Ebb & Flow, 11 S Spanish at 8pm