Join us for a bit of FUN and fundraising as we watch the first 2024 Presidential Debate. You can join us in person at the home of Michael Davis, presumptive Democratic nominee for Missouri House District 147. Or join us in spirit as you watch from home or wherever. Home players can play just for fun and bragging rights or can play for money and send in their donations. Or just donate any amount.
This is a joint fundraiser for the Davis campaign and the Cape Girardeau County Democratic Committee. All proceeds will be split 50/50 between the campaign and committee (unless the donor specifies otherwise - your wishes will be honored). The County Committee portion is intended to support our local delegates to the Democratic National Convention in August.
Here’s how it works:
Think of this as a walk-a-thon type fundraiser but rather than sponsoring a walker for cents/dollars per each mile travelled the players will select a key word or words (such as hoax, witch hunt, felon, etc). These words/phrases/concepts will be entered onto one large bingo-style scoreboard.
Each time the chosen word(s) are spoken by a debater the scorekeeper will make a hash mark under it on the scoreboard. (Example: If Trump says the phrase “witch hunt” 4 times then the player would owe $4).
From the start players are in total control of how much they ultimately donate simply by setting their own limits up front. (Example: Player 1 says his/her limit is $10 and chooses three key words. During the debate the chosen words are spoken a combined total of 17 times. The player owes only $10. Alternatively, if the words are spoken only 4 times the player owes only $4).
Bingo! What happens if the players score a Bingo!? Good question - if the debaters use words/phrases, etc. that result in a Bingo! then all the hash marks in the Bingo-line boxes are doubled. Again, don’t forget, the player’s final maximum donation was set at the beginning. So, in the example above, if there is a Bingo then in the worst-case scenario the $4 would be doubled to $8.
Note: since we are using just one Bingo card for all players throughout the debate multiple Bingos are possible up to 12 total (5 down, 5 across, 2 diagonally.
Playing from home? Make your own Bingo card (find examples online) or just make a list of the words you expect to hear and make your own hash marks as they are spoken.
Questions: email me at